Friday, January 13, 2017

Can You Wait?

Can you wait?

It’s early January 2017 and I’m just a few days into 21 days of prayer and fasting with my church.  It’s something I’ve taken part in for about 10 years now. It’s definitely become a part of my life and I look forward to dedicating this time to God each year. You know, as much as a guy who loves food like me can look forward to not eating for 21 days.  

While I don’t normally talk much about what I’m reading or praying about during this time, I am breaking that, not so formal, rule with this brief post.  January 1st, I started on a journey to read through the Bible this year in chronological order. (The order in which events happened…I know you already knew that)  Of course that means I’m starting out in Genesis, the beginning of God’s great story. The beginning of our story with God. I’m not unfamiliar with this book of the Bible. In fact, I’ve probably read through it more times than any of the other books of the Bible. (Years of failed “Through the Bible in 1 year” reading plans. I always made it past Genesis.) Today as I was reading though, I saw a word that jumped out at me. I read it again. Then I sat there and thought back over the last few days of reading and I realized that I had read that word quite a few times. I scanned some of my journal notes I’d written and saw that it kept popping up there as well.  


That’s the word. Promise. The Bible is filled with promises. But it’s not so much the promises that have stood out to me, it’s the way people respond to them.  Over and over again, God tells people what He is going to do. When God tells you He’s going to do something, that’s a promise. Then over and over again, people take it upon themselves to make something happen in their lives instead of waiting for God’s promise. It’s incredible to watch but it just keeps happening. Now because God is faithful, He remains faithful to His promises but the hardship, brokenness and pain that people bring into their lives and the lives of their families because of trying to make God’s promises happen on their own is astounding. Even when He confirmed it with them over and over, they still took matters into their own hands.

I’m just sitting here wondering how much we still do this? What has God promised you that you’re getting tired of waiting for? What has God said He would do that you’re trying to make happen on your own? What promise have you read in the Bible that you’re struggling to believe in? What situation have you taken into your own hands? What circumstance is kicking your butt spiritually because you’ve lost sight of His promises? 

Don’t give up!  Wait for Him to fulfill His promises in His Way, in His Time.  Stay close to God. Consume yourself with His word. Dedicate moments to pray everyday and over every situation. Get involved in your church. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you in the right direction. Stop trying so hard to make things happen and just follow His path. Sometimes it will happen faster than you’re comfortable with and sometimes it will seem like it’s never going to happen. Follow His lead…Wait for his Promise!

This is my prayer for 2017…God don’t let me forget your promises. I don’t want to become discouraged or impatient to the point of taking matters into my own hands.  I want to wait for Your perfect plan to unfold for my life, my family, my ministry. God not my will be done, but Yours.  In faith I believe Your promises are done.

For no matter how many PROMISES God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through Him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 1:20 (NIV)

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