Friday, September 21, 2012


I have grown up in the age of video games. I have seen the evolution from Atari (or for those who couldn't quite afford that, Odyssey) to the current age we live in with PS3, Xbox, Wii, online interactive games and countless others. If these games have taught me anything about life, it's that when you don't like the way things are going or you just want a fresh start, then you simply have to press the restart button. Well, welcome to my restart button. I was born and raised in church and have known nothing but ministry as a vocation my entire adult life. From the time I graduated high school and I started traveling around the world doing ministry to my current role on staff of a growing church. From a single bachelor to an ecstatically happily married man and father of two with one on the way. Ministry is what I know, it's what I live. But, I've grown restless. I feel there is more waiting that I have not quite grasped hold of just yet. I'm searching for that defining moment. Since I reluctantly started in ministry I've been drawn to the story of Moses. His story is something to marvel. Destined to be murdered as a baby for being born a male in the wrong place at the wrong time, his life was spared. Raised in a palace and given every opportunity in life, until he made a mistake. Granted, it was a big mistake. But let's face it, mistakes are mistakes and sin is still sin. Moses goes on the run, he gets married, and then this man who once walked the halls of Egypt's palace, finds himself serving as a shepherd to his father-in-law. How the tables have turned. Then suddenly...a defining moment. He's walking in the field and sees a bush on fire but not burning up. Exodus 3:3 declares the defining moment: Then Moses said, “I will now TURN aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.” I read this again just today and the thought hit me...How often has God been right beside the path I'm walking on and I didn't notice? Or maybe I noticed but I didn't slow down enough to "turn aside and see." What if Moses had decided that the burning bush wasn't important? What if he was in too big a hurry tending to the sheep and thinking that this was all he had left in life? What if he wasn't curious, what if he wasn't looking? What if my defining moment is right beside me and all I have to do is TURN? So here I am. This is my restart. This is my TURN! God what are you doing and what have I been missing? Speak to me God, I'm here and I'm turning my life over to you. I'm tired of complacency and I'm ready for whatever You bring me to next.

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