Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Best Blog Ever

Today is going to be “ah-mazing!”  I can just tell.  I was up early and went to the gym for the best workout I’ve ever had. I even listened to one of my favourite pastors so I’ve had the best little personal church service already as well. I went home to shower and kissed the best wife in the world good-bye for the day and hugged the best kids ever before I left. I got to Starbucks and I had a reward available which means I’m writing this while enjoying a FREE Venti Carmel Macchiato with an extra shot. How’s it taste, you ask…The Best One I’ve Ever Had!!!  Now I’m looking forward to the rest of the day where I get to serve as the Lead Pastor at the Best Church, with the Best People, in the Best City, in the Best Country in the entire world!! Today will be LEGENDARY!! 

But then again…I said the same thing about yesterday…I believe the same thing for tomorrow.

Is it possible for every day to be the BEST Day?

Is it rationale to think that every sunrise is the most AMAZING one you’ve ever seen?

Is it realistic that the steak you had for supper last night is the steak that will ruin every other steak you will ever eat because you proclaimed LEGENDARY status over it?

Can every Sunday at our churches be the most EPIC service ever, that no one within driving distance should miss or they will regret it for all of eternity?

I’m starting to think there’s a flaw in our descriptive language.

I took Isaac, my oldest son, to a baseball game earlier this summer. Around the fourth inning we were joined by two boisterous women who took up residency in the seats directly behind us. I’m all for loud fans at a sporting event. When they are talking about the game. It’s expected, even entertaining. These two ladies however, were more interested in discussing their lives and the event planning business they were ready to “take to the next level.” A company that is soon to become so big that all the competition will be jealous and the A-listers will want only them to plan their events but when those A-listers call, these ladies will turn them down because they can.  That may or may not be a direct quote. I told you they were loud.
As they got more heated in their discussion, I heard a theme coming out.  Everything in their lives was “literally the greatest.”  

They threw “literally, the greatest parties.”
They knew “literally, the best people.”
That person, “literally, had the best boyfriend.”
That TV show, “literally, is the best show and you HAVE to watch it.”
That player, “literally, has the best butt.” (That is a direct quote)

As I sat there and listened, I had to wonder how you go through life with a sense that what you did today and the people you meet from this point forward in your life have to live up to such incredibly high standards.

Why do we do this?

One Sunday, a few weeks ago, I made reference to the fact that we have become a culture that is obsessed with pleasure. Where everything we experience is the “best.” It has created a lifestyle of pursuit.  We are surrounded by opportunity for immediate gratification, immediate pleasure.  As a result, it’s easy to find ourselves living our lives obsessed in our pursuit of pleasure in these temporary things.  To live life for the next “Greatest Thing Ever.”

I know for years the church has taught us that words matter. If you want great things in your life, it’s as simple as speaking great things about your life. I think we’ve taken this to an extreme. All you have to do is look to social media to understand my point. It’s become a hashtag society with fun buzzwords that we use to convince ourselves and others that our lives are the “best.”

I’ve been guilty of it myself. I routinely have to edit myself while talking about things happening at church because I actually do know that not every week is going to be the most life-changing experience of people’s lives. Sometimes, we’re just going to come together and worship and receive a really practical word from God. Practical is boring. I know. I struggle on those Sundays because I feel like people are out there thinking, “When is he going to make me laugh?” “Where is the catchy tag line or impacting illustration?” Sometimes, it’s just simple truth from God’s Word.  It’s powerful, just not always entertaining. Life can be that way as well. Not every day is going to be “Epic.”

What’s the big deal?

Please hear me, I’m not saying pleasure is wrong. I’m not saying we should all sit quietly in a huddle and read our Bibles all the time. -  BUT -  If we’re not careful, in an effort to keep up with the demands of a pleasure driven society, we will begin to displace our pursuit of God with a pursuit of pleasure. We begin to place more priority on our next pleasure fix than spending time with God each day. The next thrill begins to take the place of our time together in worship or small groups. It’s so ingrained in the world we live in that I even deal with from my kids. Almost on a nightly basis, at least one of them will ask on the way to bed, “Are we doing anything fun tomorrow?” It baffles me how they can become so bored so quickly. Most of the time I feel like Russell Crowe in Gladiator. I want to throw something across the room and scream, “Are you not entertained!?!?”  Sadly, it’s not just reserved for kids but many adults go through life trying to find the next fix of pleasure. Only to find they quickly need to find another source of pleasure…and then another…and another.

“Entertain me…I’m bored…I’m discontent…I’m lonely…I’m depressed…”

What’s the answer?

When our understanding of “Blessed and highly favoured” comes to mean a life with no obstacles and endless pleasure, we have a problem.  That’s not real life. Every day is not the best day. Every meal is not the best food I’ve ever put in my mouth. Every friend I have is not the greatest person that ever lived. (Sorry friends) My life kind of sucks sometimes…true story. I locked my keys in my car in the Walmart parking lot a few weeks ago. Does that mean I’m not “Blessed?” It sure didn’t feel like the “best” day ever. I’ve been talked about behind my back. I didn’t feel “Blessed” with great friends in that moment. My kids can reach a volume the stretches the boundaries of sanity. My wife and I go through periods that are less than blissful. Does that mean I’m not “Blessed” with the “Best” family or “Best” marriage ever? I believe I’m blessed. But here’s why.

Psalm 146:3-9 (Message Bible)
Don’t put your life in the hands of experts who know nothing of life, of salvation life. Mere humans don’t have what it takes; when they die, their projects die with them. Instead, get help from the God of Jacob, put your hope in God and know real BLESSING!

The Hebrew word used here means “Happy.” So what the Psalmist is saying is, “…put your hope in God and know real “HAPPINESS!”

When I look to man-made things and experiences it’s never fulfilling long-term. “Mere humans don’t have what it takes” to provide me with the kind of happiness that can sustain me through the inevitable ups and downs of normal, everyday life.  They don’t even know the meaning of this salvation life we live. This means that when life become hard, I quickly become disillusioned with life. I’m quick to struggle to creep into depression.
But the kind of “blessing” that comes from God means that despite my problems or pleasures, in defeat or in victory I always can find happiness.  My happiness is not based on the economy, things, people, entertainment, or even my appearance. But when our hope is connected to God – because He is immovable – my happiness never wavers and I am at peace because of who He is.

Enjoy life!
Seek adventures!

But pursue the pleasure and happiness that can only come from God.


  1. Yes! Best ever! Glad to see you writing again!! May blessings abound in your life today and always!

  2. Best ever Blog! Good word, blessed.

  3. Ah-mazing blog!...seriously really good as always

  4. Ah-mazing blog!...seriously really good as always
