Ex 13:17b-15:19; Matt 21:23-46; PS 26:1-12; PR 6:16-19
PR - I've always liked this passage. The writer makes the point these are things that God hates, no wait, actually they are an abomination to Him. For the record, this is the strongest word the bible ever uses to explain just how much something is detested. So, it's probably a good thing to know what it is that God doesn't like. So let's take a look.
1. A proud look - simply put...pride. Something who thinks they are above everyone else and won't even look at those "beneath" them.
2. A lying tongue - pretty self explanatory
3. Hands that shed innocent blood - also self explanatory
4. A heart that devises wicked plans - someone who is always working on doing wrong.
5. Feet that are swift in running to evil - people that are so greedy in their sinful pursuits that they don't waste any time in thinking about it, but run from one thing to the next.
6. A false witness who speaks lies - think it's interesting that of the seven things God hates, two of them involve lying. In this example it is someone who swears the are telling the truth...only to lie. Kinda shows how important the truth is to God.
7. One who sows discord among the brethrenn - Anyone who intentionally or I believe unintentionally creates disunity among family, community, or even the church. We are called to be peace makers not to cause division.
MT - This is an interesting passage as He talks to the chief Priests Jesus lets them know that He came to reach the Jews first. However, He came to seek and save the lost, no matter where they were from. So in the parable of the workers, the point is really that even those Gentiles who were not originally part of God's "chosen" people (the Jews) would receive the same reward of eternal life if they accepted Him as Savior. There were those religious people who thought they were set because of their family lineage and the fact that they followed certain rules. However, Jesus made the point that they were rejecting the truth and persecuting those who were trying to teach the truth. In the end they would be destroyed and those that they were persecuting would be elevated and exalted with Christ.