Monday, February 28, 2011

Days 49-58

Lev 6:1-7:27; Mark 3:7-30; PS37:1-11; PR 10:3-4
Lev 7:28-9:6; Mark 3:31-4:25; PS 37:12-28; PR 10:5
Lev 9:7-10:20; Mark 4:26-5:20; PS 37:29-40; PR 10:6-7
Lev 11:1-12:8; Mark 5:21-43; PS 38:1-22; PR 10:8-9
Lev 13:1-59; Mark 6:1-29; PS 39:1-13; PR 10:10
Lev 14:1-57; Mark 6:30-56; PS 40:1-10; PR 10:11-12
Lev 15:1-16:28; Mark 7:1-23; PS 40:11-17; PR 10:13-14
Lev 16:29-18:30; Mark 7:24-8:9; PS 41:1-13; PR 10:15-16
Lev 19:1-20:21; Mark 8:10-38; PS 42:1-11; PR 10:17
Lev 20:22-22:20; Mark 9:1-29; PS43:1-5; PR 10:18

Alright, February has been a rough month. I've kept up with most of the reading but admittedly I've slipped up some. But true to my word I will press on and make up those days as we go along.  I'm starting again from February 28th. Day 59 See you there!  Feel free to post under here for any of the days listed above.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 48

Lev 4:1-5:19; Mark 2:13-3:6; PS 36:1-12; PR 10:1-2

Mark 2 - Isn't it funny how the Pharisees just followed Jesus around trying to get Him in trouble? The amazing thing is I know people like that today too. They just watch with eagle eyes waiting for God's people to mess up so they can discredit them.  Unfortunately we can all fall into this trap.  Jesus had the answer for them over and over again.  My favorite one is when they ask Him why He's eating with the tax collectors and sinners.  These "holier than thou" men can't believe that this great teacher would even attempt to rub shoulders with these horrible people.  Jesus answer is simple, healthy people don't need a doctor.  This is just further proof that we as a church and as Christians are not called to just focus on the inside of the church or on each other.  We've already found the truth but what about all those people who have yet to find Christ?  Stop judging people who help those you don't think deserve help.  Jesus didn't come to reach the churched but the unchurched. I figure if that's good enough for Him it's good enough for me.

Days 40-47

Okay, so I've really dropped the ball on blogging. I've been keeping up with the reading but haven't found the time to get the words onto the site.  I'm gonna get back on track this week and will come back at a later date to transfer the words from my journal to the blog.  Hope you're all keeping up and remember don't worry if you miss some days, just pick up on the right day and keep going.

Day 40 Ex 29:1-30:10; Matt 26:14-46; PS 31:19-24; PR 8:14-26
Day 41 Ex 30:11-31:18; Matt 26:47-68; PS 32:1-11; PR 8:27-32
Day 42 Ex 32:1-33:23; Matt 26:69-27:14; PS 33:1-11; PR 8:33-36
Day 43 Ex 34:1-35:9; Matt 27:15-34; PS 33:12-22; PR 9:1-6
Day 44 Ex 35:10-36:38; Matt 27:35-66; PS 34:1-10; PR 9:7-8
Day 45 Ex 37:1-38:31; Matt 28:1-20; PS 34:11-22; PR 9:9-10
Day 46 Ex 39:1-40:38; Mark 1:1-28; PS 35:1-16; PR 9:11-12
Day 47 Lev 1:1-3:17; Mark 1:29-2:12; PS 35:17-28; PR 9:13-18

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 39

Ex 28:1-43 Matt 25:31-26:13 PS 31:9-18 PR 8:12-13

MT - If you have ever thought that being a christian was all about going to church, singing songs and putting in time until Jesus came back, then this passage of scripture in chapter 25 just blew your theory out of the water. Clearly Jesus has called us to be more.  There is such a balance to what our life is supposed to be. While we need to spend time studying and learning, fellowshiping with the saints and encouraging the body of believers, we can't ever forget what the reason is behind all that. We are called to GO INTO all the world and preach the gospel. In these verses He makes it clear how we can do that.  Practical ministry.  Practical outreach. Practical love.  Being the hands and feet of Jesus.  I really noticed that  none of these ministries occurred inside the church. It all took place outside the walls. Inside ministry is meant to build and empower us as believers to take the message out into the world.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 37 & 38

EX 23:14-25:40; MT 24:29-51; PS 30; PR 7:24-27
EX 26:1-27:21; MT 23:1-30; PS 31:1-8; PR 8:1-11

Hey Guys, I've been keeping up with the reading schedule but I have not had time to get on and blog. I will be catching up soon. Keep on reading!
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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 36

Ex 21:22-23:13; Matt 24:1-28; PS 29:1-11; PR 7:6-23

MT 24:4     So why am I reading through the bible, and why should we all continue on in this journey through His word.  This verse sums it up.  "Take heed that no one deceives you."  It's important that we know God's word because the day is coming when the things Jesus told His disciples about will come to pass. In fact as you look through this passage of scripture I think it's pretty safe to say that we're there.  So what do we have that can help steer us through these times. Again, it's God's word. There will be a lot of people and those that call themselves teachers that will speak false doctrines.  We need to study the words of Jesus so that we will not fall into these traps.  I'm tired of seeing people get so caught up in something they heard years ago and not having any kind of personal relationship with Jesus. One of the greatest moments in my life came when I realized that I could hear from God on my own as well as learning through others teaching.  If you don't study what is truth you will be more likely to be deceived.

Exodus - Anyone else glad we are saved by Grace?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 35

Ex 19:16-21:21; Matt 23:13-39; PS 28:1-9; PR 7:1-5

PS 28:1   This is the first thing I read and it just hit me like a ton of bricks.  "To you I will cry, O Lord my Rock."  It just hit me, that's what we are supposed to do. That should be our reaction to every problem in our lives. And not just a reaction, our FIRST reaction.  There was nothing that came before David's statement. This is where he began..."To you I will cry."  He's planned this out and he's making a commitment that when problems come along it is God that he is going to run to. Why? Because he recognizes the God is his Rock. This is true for all us.  He is our sure foundation. The only one who will never leave or forsake us. The only one who will never fail. He is our all in all.  Is God the one that you will cry out to?  He is my Rock!!! Thank you Jesus that you hear me when I call!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 34

Ex 17:8-19:15; Matt 22:33-23:12; PS 27:8-14; PR 6:27-35

Ps 27:14 - Simple lesson for life. "Wait on the Lord, Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart." And in case you didn't get it the first time..."Wait," I say, "on the Lord!" 
Probably one of the simplest and yet most profound instructions we can follow.  Stop trying to race ahead of God. Stop getting mad at Him and others because things aren't going exactly the way you them too. Stop being impatient about your life. Wait on the Lord and be encouraged that when things do happen they will be perfect because they are going to be done according to His will and His timing.  Again I say, Wait!

Ex 17 - Know your role.  We all have different roles to play in this great game of life.  Some are called to be leaders, some supporters and some workers.  No one is any more important than anyone else. You just have to know where you fit.  In this battle Moses was the leader. As long as his hands were raised their army was winning. When his hands dropped the battle swung to the other side.  So I guess really Moses was responsible for the victory right? Of course not. Who can stand there all day with their hands raised for an entire day?  Not Moses.  His hands began to fall and in steps Aaron and Hur.  They get him something to sit on and realize what's going on and so they position themselves on either side of Moses and hold his arms in the air.  The battle begins to swing back to their side. What would have happened if these two men wouldn't have stepped in and said we need to come alongside Moses and literally support him in his leadership as we fight this war?  So I guess it was really them that won the battle right?  But wait, what about Joshua? I mean he's the guy down there in the trenches getting his life threatened, blood splattering everywhere, arrows flying past his head and swords being swung at him.  If the battle could be won just by Moses raising his hands for while, Joshua was pointless. Right?  No!  Everything had to happen in sync for the battle to be won. 
Guys we are at war in this world. There are people dying all around us. It's time we pushed our pride aside and asked some questions. For starters, where do you belong? Are you a leader? Is your role to be on the mountain top with hands raised crying out to God for victory? Are you a supporter? Is your role to be that one that comes alongside others, never to have the full spotlight but simply to lift up that leader in their time of need?  This person can sometimes get lost in the crowd. They rarely get seen because their not calling the shots and their not carrying out the work, they are somewhere in between.  Is this you?  Or are you Joshua, called to get your hands dirty? To be in the middle of it all. Wherever you fit, just know takes everyone to have victory. The devil will try to divide us but if we all find our place and do our jobs and not worry about who gets the credit, the victory will come for the glory of God. 

Day 33

Ex 15:20-17:7; Matt 22:1-32; PS 27:1-7; PR 6:20-26

MT - This parable is used to illustrate who will enter into heaven.  Two invitations are given, the first long in advance so that the people would have time to prepare themselves. The second to announce that the banquet was ready and they should come right away.  That first invitation was to the children of Israel. That second invitation refers to the ministry of John the Baptist, Jesus and the other disciples calling the Jews again.  The people though didn't care because they were too caught up with "today" to care about the coming kingdom of heaven.  Sound familiar? Verse 6 is talking about the religious authorities who condoned John the Baptists death and would later lead the charge to Jesus' crucifixion as well as the persecution of the early church.  So then these "servants" are sent out to invite everyone they see. The gospel was no longer limited to the Jews but also us as Gentiles.  Verse 11 talks about the man that did not have a wedding garment. In Rev. 19:8 the garment of fine linen worn by the bride is made up of the righteous deeds of the saints.  It is not enough to just say I'm here, but we need to prepare ourselves for that day we enter into God's kingdom.  We need to put on righteousness if we are to be accepted at the King's table.  Obviously the idea of being cast into outer darkness is for all those who are not ready on that day and will be cast into hell.
Verse 14 - "called" here means to be invited.  There will be many people invited into the kingdom of heaven but few will chose to accept that invitation and when that day comes they will not be "dressed" and ready to be among the "chosen" of God.

PS 27:4  - I love this verse.  The one thing he desired...the one thing he longed for...the one thing he sought after in be in the house of the Lord forever.  Is that your dream...your goal...your one desire?

EX 15:22 - It took them only 3 days to forget the miracle of the Red sea.  How long does it take you to forget the miracles God does in your life?

Side note: Did you know that "manna" literally means "what."  As in this food appeared from God that they had never seen before and they all looked at each other and said..."what" is this?  I've always thought that was funny.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 32

Ex 13:17b-15:19; Matt 21:23-46; PS 26:1-12; PR 6:16-19

PR - I've always liked this passage.  The writer makes the point these are things that God hates, no wait, actually they are an abomination to Him. For the record, this is the strongest word the bible ever uses to explain just how much something is detested.  So, it's probably a good thing to know what it is that God doesn't like. So let's take a look.
1. A proud look - simply put...pride. Something who thinks they are above everyone else and won't even look at those "beneath" them.
2. A lying tongue - pretty self explanatory
3. Hands that shed innocent blood - also self explanatory
4. A heart that devises wicked plans - someone who is always working on doing wrong.
5. Feet that are swift in running to evil - people that are so greedy in their sinful pursuits that they don't waste any time in thinking about it, but run from one thing to the next.
6. A false witness who speaks lies - think it's interesting that of the seven things God hates, two of them involve lying. In this example it is someone who swears the are telling the truth...only to lie.  Kinda shows how important the truth is to God.
7. One who sows discord among the brethrenn - Anyone who intentionally or I believe unintentionally creates disunity among family, community, or even the church.  We are called to be peace makers not to cause division.

MT - This is an interesting passage as He talks to the chief Priests Jesus lets them know that He came to reach the Jews first.  However, He came to seek and save the lost, no matter where they were from. So in the parable of the workers, the point is really that even those Gentiles who were not originally part of God's "chosen" people (the Jews) would receive the same reward of eternal life if they accepted Him as Savior.  There were those religious people who thought they were set because of their family lineage and the fact that they followed certain rules.  However, Jesus made the point that they were rejecting the truth and persecuting those who were trying to teach the truth.  In the end they would be destroyed and those that they were persecuting would be elevated and exalted with Christ.