Ex 17:8-19:15; Matt 22:33-23:12; PS 27:8-14; PR 6:27-35
Ps 27:14 - Simple lesson for life. "Wait on the Lord, Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart." And in case you didn't get it the first time..."Wait," I say, "on the Lord!"
Probably one of the simplest and yet most profound instructions we can follow. Stop trying to race ahead of God. Stop getting mad at Him and others because things aren't going exactly the way you them too. Stop being impatient about your life. Wait on the Lord and be encouraged that when things do happen they will be perfect because they are going to be done according to His will and His timing. Again I say, Wait!
Ex 17 - Know your role. We all have different roles to play in this great game of life. Some are called to be leaders, some supporters and some workers. No one is any more important than anyone else. You just have to know where you fit. In this battle Moses was the leader. As long as his hands were raised their army was winning. When his hands dropped the battle swung to the other side. So I guess really Moses was responsible for the victory right? Of course not. Who can stand there all day with their hands raised for an entire day? Not Moses. His hands began to fall and in steps Aaron and Hur. They get him something to sit on and realize what's going on and so they position themselves on either side of Moses and hold his arms in the air. The battle begins to swing back to their side. What would have happened if these two men wouldn't have stepped in and said we need to come alongside Moses and literally support him in his leadership as we fight this war? So I guess it was really them that won the battle right? But wait, what about Joshua? I mean he's the guy down there in the trenches getting his life threatened, blood splattering everywhere, arrows flying past his head and swords being swung at him. If the battle could be won just by Moses raising his hands for while, Joshua was pointless. Right? No! Everything had to happen in sync for the battle to be won.
Guys we are at war in this world. There are people dying all around us. It's time we pushed our pride aside and asked some questions. For starters, where do you belong? Are you a leader? Is your role to be on the mountain top with hands raised crying out to God for victory? Are you a supporter? Is your role to be that one that comes alongside others, never to have the full spotlight but simply to lift up that leader in their time of need? This person can sometimes get lost in the crowd. They rarely get seen because their not calling the shots and their not carrying out the work, they are somewhere in between. Is this you? Or are you Joshua, called to get your hands dirty? To be in the middle of it all. Wherever you fit, just know this...it takes everyone to have victory. The devil will try to divide us but if we all find our place and do our jobs and not worry about who gets the credit, the victory will come for the glory of God.
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