Lev 4:1-5:19; Mark 2:13-3:6; PS 36:1-12; PR 10:1-2
Mark 2 - Isn't it funny how the Pharisees just followed Jesus around trying to get Him in trouble? The amazing thing is I know people like that today too. They just watch with eagle eyes waiting for God's people to mess up so they can discredit them. Unfortunately we can all fall into this trap. Jesus had the answer for them over and over again. My favorite one is when they ask Him why He's eating with the tax collectors and sinners. These "holier than thou" men can't believe that this great teacher would even attempt to rub shoulders with these horrible people. Jesus answer is simple, healthy people don't need a doctor. This is just further proof that we as a church and as Christians are not called to just focus on the inside of the church or on each other. We've already found the truth but what about all those people who have yet to find Christ? Stop judging people who help those you don't think deserve help. Jesus didn't come to reach the churched but the unchurched. I figure if that's good enough for Him it's good enough for me.
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