Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 33

Ex 15:20-17:7; Matt 22:1-32; PS 27:1-7; PR 6:20-26

MT - This parable is used to illustrate who will enter into heaven.  Two invitations are given, the first long in advance so that the people would have time to prepare themselves. The second to announce that the banquet was ready and they should come right away.  That first invitation was to the children of Israel. That second invitation refers to the ministry of John the Baptist, Jesus and the other disciples calling the Jews again.  The people though didn't care because they were too caught up with "today" to care about the coming kingdom of heaven.  Sound familiar? Verse 6 is talking about the religious authorities who condoned John the Baptists death and would later lead the charge to Jesus' crucifixion as well as the persecution of the early church.  So then these "servants" are sent out to invite everyone they see. The gospel was no longer limited to the Jews but also us as Gentiles.  Verse 11 talks about the man that did not have a wedding garment. In Rev. 19:8 the garment of fine linen worn by the bride is made up of the righteous deeds of the saints.  It is not enough to just say I'm here, but we need to prepare ourselves for that day we enter into God's kingdom.  We need to put on righteousness if we are to be accepted at the King's table.  Obviously the idea of being cast into outer darkness is for all those who are not ready on that day and will be cast into hell.
Verse 14 - "called" here means to be invited.  There will be many people invited into the kingdom of heaven but few will chose to accept that invitation and when that day comes they will not be "dressed" and ready to be among the "chosen" of God.

PS 27:4  - I love this verse.  The one thing he desired...the one thing he longed for...the one thing he sought after in be in the house of the Lord forever.  Is that your dream...your goal...your one desire?

EX 15:22 - It took them only 3 days to forget the miracle of the Red sea.  How long does it take you to forget the miracles God does in your life?

Side note: Did you know that "manna" literally means "what."  As in this food appeared from God that they had never seen before and they all looked at each other and said..."what" is this?  I've always thought that was funny.

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