Gen 32:13-34:31; Matt 11:7-30; PS14:1-7; PR3:19-20
Jacob had to fight his whole life. He struggled with Esau coming out of the womb. He fought with Laban for his wife. Now he finds himself face to face wrestling with God Himself. Now this is one of those stories that is not clearly defined in the bible. Some think this "man" was God in human form. Some think it was Jesus and others that it was an angel. Regardless of who exactly there is no question that it was at the very least a representative of God. With that said it would have been easy for this "man" to defeat Jacob. However, he wrestled all night with Jacob. When you read about Jacob's life it's easy to see a life of deception in his youth, but then as he gets older you see God's blessing on his life. It makes you wonder what this "fight" is all about. I think Jacob was being forced to make a decision. Was he going to continue to take the easy way out or was he going to see this fight through to the end? In the middle of the night this "man" touches his hip and knocks it out of its socket but Jacob fights on. When morning comes the "man" begs to be let go but Jacob demands a blessing before he'll do it. The "man" asks Jacob's name. I think this was because names have such significance in the bible. Remember Jacob's name has a terrible meaning. He was a "supplanter or deceiver." Now he is given the name Israel or "Prince of God." At the end of it all Jacob comes out of this struggle with a new name and a limp. Here's what I get out of this. When God wants to change our lives a struggle ensues. Here's the deal, He could dominate this fight if He wanted to, but He chooses not to do that. In the end it's our choice to let God bless us. I think the name thing carries a lot of meaning because I think God wants us to be completely aware of who we are before he changes us. He may not change our names today, but He does want to change our identity. When you let God bless you and make you His own (prince or princess) you are no longer who you used to be but are a new person. Whatever you used to be called doesn't matter anymore because God has called you son or daughter. Finally, the limp. When God changes you, everyone should notice something different about you. Something should change in your physical presence. That doesn't mean we as Christians should walk around with canes and or develop a swagger. For some it means they lose the attitude they use to have. For others it's a habit or way of life. For some it's the language they use. The point is we walk away different.
GE 34 - Big brother payback OT style.
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