Genesis 3-4; Matthew 2:13-3:6; Psalm 2; Proverbs 1:7-9
Isn't it interesting that what the serpent tempted Eve with was "to be like God?" That's really what we all struggle with whether we realize it or not. When you try to call the shots in your own life and live the way you think is best instead of depending on God to be your guide, you are really trying to assume His role in your life. I know I struggle in this area. I think I know best, I think I can do a better job with my family, ministry, job, finances, and the list goes on and on. In reality the devil is trying to tempt me to be "God" in my life. Sadly, I give in way too much. There is nothing but pain, sorrow, shame and loneliness on the other side of temptation. God help me to listen this year! To look away from what seems "pleasent" and "good." To trust and obey You in all areas of my life. Amen.
Teaching note for today...(you won't get these everyday). The tree of life was not destroyed but merely guarded so that man could not live forever here where sin had entered. But read Rev. 22:2...we will see it again when we are in that place of eternal life and we have been made clean.
Proverbs 1:7 (NLT) "Fear (reverance) of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." 'Nuff Said!
Can I just say, I don't think enough is said about Joeseph. He was an amazing guy. Show me one time where he questioned God thoughout the whole rasing of Jesus. From the moment he found out his bride-to-be was pregnant (not by him) to the times where angels are telling him someone is out to kill his child, he just does what he is told to do. Amazing man of God.
Genesis 3-4
ReplyDeleteI am so very thankful that God got Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden away from the tree of life. It would be absolutely horrible to have to live in a sinful state, separated from God for eternity. Our Father God is so full of mercy and grace. He loved us even before we were conceived so much that He was slain from the foundation of the world. Revelation 13:8
Matthew 2:13-3:6
Can you imagine a 21st Century American's reaction if John the Baptist came preaching quite loudly, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” He may have been forced to have a psychological evaluation. I seriously doubt his social skills were such that he would have been considered politically correct. Don't forget he is clothed in camel's hair and is wearing a leather belt with some sort of pocket (could be a murse…my name for a man purse). He did bring his lunch of locusts and wild honey with him. These are the grasshopper kind of locusts not the bean pods. And we thought Ben's curds, fries and gravy meal was odd... We should be so bold as to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus in this manner.
Psalm 2
Well, we ARE created in His image. Here we see God’s sense of humor as He laughs at those who think they can be free of His commandments (sound familiar?). We see His anger as He declares the Kingship of His son and admonishes the rulers to serve, honor and respect Him. He is very passionate about His Son and tenderly proclaims that He gives Him the nations for His inheritance and the ends of the earth for His possession. He lovingly promises that He will bless and protect those that run to Him. Quite a range of emotions, don’t you think? Yes, we do get our emotions from our Daddy God. We just need to use them without sinning and not allow them to use us. Be angry and sin not. Don’t go to bed mad. Resolve the issue before you sleep.
Parents must teach children while they are young to respect the Lord, because without it they will never be able to accept wisdom and instruction. Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child… if we do not drive it far from them they will be fools that totally despise wisdom and instruction.
Children must listen to and follow the instruction/advice of their father and the teachings/law of mama. I am a firm believer that this is applicable to the spiritual babes and mentors as much as it is in the natural. So if you’re a new Christian be teachable. If you’re a seasoned Christian find someone to mentor.
Timothy says for older women to teach the younger women how to love their husbands. Divorce is an ongoing problem in our world today. Perhaps there would be stronger, longer marriages if this training were being done properly. Just saying…
Gen 4:7 really spoke to me because I am a person that strives to be the best or come in first place. This was especially true when it came to my career. God showed me something over last couple of years. It was to rely on him instead of trying to make my own way in this world. This world and all its possessions will fade...God lasts forever!!! Anyway, What I feel God is trying to show me here is that if I do my best or do a task well I will be accepted. It goes on to say "And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door" For me this means that if I did not do my best then some one out performs me that can lead to envy or jealousy or even anger(at myself). Having those feelings has nothing to do with the person that outshines you it is an internal struggle and those emotions come as a result of not performing to the best of your ability. I feel that if we simply do our best in our everyday lives and know we truly did everything within our ability, we can be at peace with both ourselves and our neighbor