Genesis 8-10; Matthew 4:12-25; Ps. 4; Prov. 1:20-23
God doesn't hide himself from us. That's a constant theme throughout the bible. I love how honest this writer is, he just calls them like he sees them. Like in verse 22 when he calls people "simple." How many love to be called simple? It's really a powerful point he's making though and let's face it, sometimes we need to be slapped in the face every now and then. He's saying these naive people who think they don't need the wisdom and knowledge God gives are just fools. They try to find peace and comfort in thier ignorance or innocence but it is temporary. Don't complain about your life and lack of direction and then not listen or seek out the knowledge of God. He is shouting in the streets to give you knowledge.
Verse 23 - "Turn"...When God corrects or points out something in your life, Turn. Don't run or cower in shame. It's not a rebuke, it is a correction. There is no condemnation in Christ. To many times, when God points out correction in our lives we are so ashamed of it that we can run away from Him instead of turning to Him. That's what he's trying to do...He's seeing you walking away and He's asking us to TURN back to Him. When we do, He will pour out His spirit on you, will give you knowledge and His words will be made plain.
David is writing the heart of God in this passage. Doesn't it just cut to your heart? How long will you love worthlessness and seek falsehood? Why do we waste our time looking in the wrong places for everything? God will set apart those of us that live godly lives. That's who He hears when they call to Him. This is what hit me as I was reading it this morning. God hears our heart before He hears our words. That was a convicting thought to me. It doesn't matter what I say, if I haven't been living a godly life, the bible says God doesn't hear me. He's listening to my heart before He ever hears the words come off my lips.
Matthew verses 20 & 22 - one word "Immediatly"
How often has Jesus asked you to do something and you put it off until you're ready to do it. Jesus called these men and IMMEDIATLY they dropped everything they were doing and left their jobs, family and homes to follow him.
Genesis 9:19 - "whole earth was populated."
Why does the bible list so many geneologies? Why is this important? Take this one listed in chapter nine. The whole earth was populated through this geneology. That means all of us can trace our family tree to one of these roots. One of these boys was your greaaaaaaat Grandpa.
What's really interesting as you read these geneologies is to watch the blessing and the cursing that takes place. In verse 25 Canaan is cursed. From now on keep an eye on his family line. It's not going to be pretty.
Blessing and cursing is a real thing. Keep reading the OT and you'll see what happens. Be sure to always speak blessing and positive things over your family. Just cause you did bad at school don't tell your kids they're going to be stupid too.
This is exciting guys. Keep telling people about the blog and keep talking. I also want to encourage you that if you miss a day or two. Pick up on the current day and catch up on missed days later. Don't get discouraged, God's saying something to all of us. See ya tomorrow.
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ReplyDeleteI love the provervbs ... disipline and correction for a joy-filled life from a loving and all knowing God! That is the ultimate in "security and confidence" as a child of this awesome Father. What an example for us earthly dads to follow!
ReplyDeleteWhen Gen 8:21 says The imagination of mans heart is evil from his youth...That tells me our flesh is inherently evil. This should not be a big surprise to me but when God says it there is a little more weight behind those words. Hit me like a ton of bricks!!! I think everyone likes to believe in the greater good of man, a society and a planet where everyone loves their brother, holds hands and sings We are the World but its just not so! We are only changed and transformed into something better by the Grace of God! At times, I notice my heart becoming hard...For me this is my nature I can't explain it. Chalk it up to my flesh. But I often pray and cry out to God for his heart. I pray now that God gives all of us his heart..In Jesus name..Amen!
ReplyDeleteAs I read through the passages everyday I notice things that stick out to me but I'm not sure how to write about them or even put them into a whole thought...I'm going to just write them down anyway and maybe there will become a theme OR maybe it is just my silly little mind thinking there is a "clue" there I should be paying attention to. Either way I just wanted to explain it to you...
ReplyDeleteGen 8
There are 7's EVERYWHERE!! I even noticed earlier when they were giving the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew is written 14 generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Christ...14 being 7 double...Now I feel like Nichols Cage in National Treasure but there is such a theme there...I could go on but you get the point.
Gen 8: 12-15
I like that I can still see this rainbow and be reminded of God's covenant to us all...Like getting to see a little miracle every time it rains.
Gen 8: 21
Ham had to make sure his brothers knew of his fathers transgression. Instead of covering up his shame he had to broadcast it...
I am very guilty of this..I have a family member that has a drug problem but do I walk in backwards and cover him?? NO, I pass judgement and whisper to others how bad off he is. Then I justify my actions by pointing out more examples of his wrong doings...Shame on me. I am reminded of Matthew 7:3 why do you look at the speck of saw dust in your brothers eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
This is the second time in 2 weeks that God has layed this on my heart...I hear You.
Matthew 4:12
Come follow me...
And that's all it took?? I couldn't imagine a man walking by my house and saying to Logan "Come follow me" and Logan saying "SURE, I've never seen you before but you look like a good enough guy to follow" WHAT?? Not only would I think the man was crazy but Logan as well...I would like to think I would have all this Divine wisdom to know the Son of God walking down the road but truth is I'm not sure...
1 of 2 things...
1. That Jesus possessed such a profound spirit that if you saw Him in person you KNEW of His calling. You would KNOW, "This is the ONE and nothing like any preacher we have ever seen!" and couldn't help but follow Him.
2. It was a different time when peoples faith was an every day decision maker and they didn't question things like we do today. They depended on their faith for fishing, crops, rain, children...EVERYTHING.
Proverbs 1: 20-21
I had to go back and read this several times before I got it...All of these places wisdom call aloud from are very noisy, busy, bustling places... I had to really think about what this is saying....
It would be like if I were to be downtown Nashville on the corner of Broadway and 5th calling out words of wisdom....How many people would hear me? ONLY the ones seeking it. The others would be trying to get to the restaurant or bar to hear their favorite band, so they could delight in the simple things of this world. Wisdom is something you must seek and will not always be the easiest to find. But look around and you will find it everywhere.
I love how the Living Word is able to speak to me in 2011 just like it did 500 years ago to that generation of people.
Genesis 8:1-10:32 OK, this may be superficial on my part BUT it is what stood out to me while reading this passage. Genesis 9:2-4 " And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that move on the earth, and on all the fish of the sea. They are given into your hand. Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs. But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood." I suppose this stood out to me due to the season we are in right now and it is 'in my face' daily.
ReplyDeleteMatthew 4:12-25 I marvel at how abruptly these disciples dropped everything and followed Jesus without question. He presented Himself to the world as a man so what prompted this immediate obedience? He said that everything He said or did was only what the Father said or did. He was in constant contact with His Father and He intimately KNEW Him. The answer to this question is that He was so permeated with the Spirit of God that people were drawn to Him. This intimacy is possible for each one of us. My heart cries out to know Him on this level.
Psalm 4:4 "In your anger do not sin; Silently search your heart as you lie in bed" The old adage to count to 10 before answering when angered is based on scripture. To me this says remove yourself from the situation and search your own heart. Many times our emotions are so loud we cannot conceive that we may be at fault or what the circumstances are behind what angered us.
Proverbs 1:20-21 Wisdom is available for us wherever we may find ourselves. It’s just a matter of stopping long enough to acknowledge and heed the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth.