Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20

GE 41:17-42:17; MT 13:24-46: PS 18:1-15; PR 4:1-6

GE 37:2 tells us that Joseph was just 17 years old when he had his dream about his brothers bowing down to him. GE 41:46 says he was 30 years old when he was made second in command over Egypt. After that was seven years of plenty and then came the famine, and along came Joseph's brothers. What does all that mean? 20 years went by before Joseph saw his dream come true. A lot of bad stuff happened along the way, but he remained faithful. How long are you willing to wait to see your dreams come true? Can you stand through the trials? What God promised He will see through.

PS 18:1-2 - We all see God in terms we understand. If your a sports fan, He may be your quarterback in this game of life. If you are into comic books, He may be your Superman. If you're a nerd, He may be the greatest Jedi ever. Just kidding Jason. David was a military man, so when he talked about God he used terms that related to the battles he fought.
Rock - when they needed to find rest from the fight David and his men would to the rocks and find shelter within the caves and crevices. No one could attack when they were hidden there.
Fortress - they would find a place surrounded on three sides by rock so there was only one way in. It was easier to defend one gate then many. When we surround ourselves with God, they have to go through Him to get to us. Which leads us to...
Shield - this refers to a type of shield that would cover a man almost from head to toe. It designed in such a way that it could link together with other shields and form an impenetrable wall. Protection against arrows, swords, and spears. Hide behind God and let Him protect every area of your life.
Horn of salvation - this was a helmet worn by the general in the army. When they returned from battle, if he was wearing this helmet with the horn turned up it meant they had won the battle. We have victory in God.
Stronghold or High Tower (KJV) - the last line of defense. If the walls were breached to the fortress there was a high tower within those walls that the people could run into. Inside those walls was food, weapons and other supplies. Enough to wait out any attack. When everything else in life fails you, find shelter in God's high tower. Run to Him as David did and He will give you victory.

MT - Parable of wheat and tares
Why doesn't God destroy evil people? Because in the process innocent people may be hurt that could be saved. So we are allowed to live together for now but in the end God's perfect judgement will be passed down and no wickedness will be spared.

Parable of the treasure
Heaven and therefore our salvation is worth giving up everything we have and are in order to obtain that promise. Hold nothing back from God and He will hold nothing back from you.

Parable of the pearl - basically the same principle as the treasure.

Parable of the mustard seed
A mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds in nature but it produces one of the largest trees. A tree large enough for birds to nest in was considered a sign of prosperity in the OT. So what this is saying is that even though the number of people who will inherit the earth may have started small in Jesus day, that number will grow larger.

Parable of Yeast
Yeast grows dough from within. The kingdom of heaven does not grow from an external force. In other words, God doesn't use an army to force people to believe in Him but rather He uses the power of the Holy Spirit to help us to grow from the inside.
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  1. Psalm 18 blows me away with the picture it paints. Daivd starts out in the first 3 verses declaring his love, and his faith for God. David uses words like "MY ROCK, FORTRESS, DELIVERER, STRENGTH, SHIELD, HORN OF SALVATION, STRONGHOLD. He sees God as his protection and has a genuine faith in WHO God is. Many of us call God by these names, but when trouble comes do we believe what we're saying? Is God your ROCK when your marriage is crumbling? Is He your SHIELD when your body is under attack? Is He your STRENGTH when the worries of life threaten? In vs 4 David describes how trouble has come to him. Have you ever felt this kind of trouble? Like the sorrows of hell surrounded you? I know that I've had those moments before. In the depths of all his trouble Daivd cries out to his God! In vs 6 the most amazing thing happens....GOD HEARS! VS 7-15 are powerful to me. When our cry reaches Gods ear He can turn the universe inside out, if necessary, to deliever us! Why would God Almighty be so moved to leave His temple and come down to me? Why would he fly on the wings of the wind to reach my problems? I had to keep reading to find out!! Vs 19 says, "He delivered me because He delighted in me." Vs 20 The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands He has recompensed me." Does our integrity matter? YES! Does our pursuit of godliness matter? YES! The world will call you crazy but God will see your clean hands and move heaven and earth to reward you!
    Thank you Lord!!!

  2. Jedi= "The guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy." There are some similarities...just saying

    Joy - I love your comments. I would like to add that David cried out to God, he went to God first not the other way around. He is our deliverer but we must seek him first. We can't just sit there and say "I am waiting on God" If we seek him, look for him; He will be there.
