Ex 7:25-9:35; Matt 19:13-30; PS 24:1-10; PR 6:1-5
MT 19:21-22 Jesus has a way of getting straight to the heart of the matter. He always has and always will. We can try to give off that everything in our life is great but He knows better because He knows our heart. This man asked what he needed to do to have eternal life and when Jesus mentioned some of the commandments the man thought, "I got this thing covered." But again, Jesus knew better. So He asked the man to give up the one thing that would be the hardest.
Understand, Jesus wasn't teaching salvation by works and we are not required to give away everything we have. What He was doing was proving the error in this man's thinking that he had fulfilled all of these commandments. If he truly loved his neighbor as himself, then he would have no problem in giving away all he had to the poor. But the man walked away sad because that was an awful lot to ask for. It was not that the man had to give everything away, but he needed to be willing.
What are you willing to give up? As much as I do right for God, is there something that I'm holding back? Is there that one thing that if He asked me to give it up, I would find myself walking away sorrowful?
vs 26 is a very familiar verse but it's kind of interesting to see it in it's original context. In this setting what Jesus is really referring to is the fact that it is impossible in our selfish, human flesh to give up anything in this world BUT it is possible with God to overcome this world's strongholds.
How did we answer those questions above? What are you willing to give up? Is there something you are struggling with that God is asking you to release to Him? Understand you won't be able to let it go on your own, but it is possible to let it go with God's help.
I am catching up on reading today but had to take time to comment. Yes! I've experienced this first hand. You can give up anything with his help but it is important to emphasize that we have to be willing to lay it at his feet. You can’t sit back and say I am waiting on God…We have to seek him. Start by praying, cry out to God if you must but let him know that you can't do it with out him. All he is looking for is your change of heart, your willingness to lay it down for him. Once you've reached out to him he will extend a loving hand of a father and grab yours. I promise if you won't let go neither will he!!! Praise God!!!!!