Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 23

Gen 46:1-47:31; Matt 15:1-28; PS 19:1-14; PR 4:14-19

PS 19:1-3     I love the imagery these verses create.  I'm sitting in my living room and as a read this I couldn't help but stop and look out the window.  God's glory is revealed through His creation. So often we just think about God being revealed through us because we are created in His image but according to this passage God speaks to us through the world around us as well. I love the fact that no matter what language you speak or where you live you can learn about God through the sights and scenes of glorious creation. As you look into the way our universe operates it is impossible not to realize the greatness of God.

PR - The last two days of Proverbs really shows the contrasting effects of good versus evil.  The path of the wise is straight, unobstructed, and safe. The path of the wicked hazardous and dangerous.  One is filled with light and the other with darkness.  Wisdom leads to a promise and wickedness leads to destruction.  I think taking a good honest look at our lives can answer the question for us as to whether we are on the path of wisdom or wickedness.

MT - As usual the Pharisees are trying to corner Jesus into incriminating Himself because He didn't do what their laws instructed.  The problem with the Pharisees is that they built a whole religion based on interpretation of God's commands instead of just following God's commands.  They created a system of traditions thereby demeaning God's commands. That's why He calls them hypocrites, because they were acting so holy and yet they were manipulating the system for their own gain. In this particular case you have to understand the customs of that day based on God's command to "honor your father and mother." It meant not only to respect them but also to take care of them as they had needs.  What people in the church were doing was saying that they had dedicated their finances to the Lord and therefore could not give anything to their parents.  God's command was to take care of our families, not to use the money for our own gain by "saying" it was for God. If it was really for God, you'd use it to obey Him by keeping His command to "honor" your parents. 

That's why He goes on to quote the prophecy of Isaiah where it said that they would teach doctrine or "interpretation" as law or "absolute."  

Vs 10-11   This whole discussion had started because the disciples didn't wash their hands before eating as the law stated they should.  Unsanitary? Yes.  Would it defile your very soul?  Jesus made the point, it's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you, but what comes out.  Why? Because that is what exposes what is in your heart. Remember we read a few days ago..."out of the abundance of the heart a man speaketh.

Vs 12-14     I think it's funny how the disciples came to Jesus and asked Him if He realized that He just offended the Pharisees. His response is a great lesson for us as well. We can't worry about offending those that believe differently than us. We also can't get caught up in arguing with them. If their doctrine is not true (not planted by God) then it will be exposed on it's own.  All we can do is preach His gospel, sharing the truth without shame.

Vs 21-28    At first glance some might think Jesus was a little harsh on this woman.  She was a Gentile (non-Jew).  Jesus would always give the Jews the first chance to respond to Him.  They were God's chosen people. The Gentiles weren't looking for a Messiah, that was only in the Jewish teaching. This is why Jesus was so excited by her faith. (did you notice the exclamation mark? NKJV)  She believed in Him even though she had presumably never been taught about who He could be.



  1. Matthew 15:1-20
    I have to confess this Chapter was pretty convicting. God has laid out His WORD for us to follow, but so often like the Pharisees, we enjoy putting our own viewpoints on the revelation of God! Maybe if we swist this verse or that one just a little, it will help us out in some way. We will create our own commandments and traditions. It makes us feel holy, but our own interpretations are easier to follow! I know thats a hard one to admit to, but especially us churchy folk need to be careful. VS 8-9 "These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."
    Jesus will always see our HEARTS!!
    God help us to fight against the spirit of religion and tradition!

  2. Proverbs 4:16 "For they do not sleep unless they have done evil; And their sleep is taken away unless they make someone fall” This is only one versus regarding the wicked but stuck out to me because I know several like this...especially at work. I've had 4 jobs with mid to large corporate companies and there are always those that throw daggers at others for no reason. To take them down because they fear them, they think their job is in jeopardy, they are afraid another person is smarter then them, or maybe they don't like how they look or dress, or because they are "religious" me corporate work environment is not very Jesus friendly but we better tolerate Muslims and gays (topic for another day). Anyway, I don't understand why people are so condemning and are never satisfied unless they are speaking evil or causing some type of trouble for others. Its like the verse says their sleep is taken away unless they make someone else fall...They are never satisfied unless they have spread some sort of hatred for the day. Sorry to be on my soap box but I don't understand why people are so wicked especially to those that have never done anything to them. I could at least make some sense of it if it was payback…. I am not condoning payback; I am just saying I could at least understand the reasoning behind the maliciousness. Its baffling… I am beginning to wonder if they are demon possessed. I am becoming increasing perplexed by this type of behavior as it seems more common. Please comment I encourage words of wisdom on this topic….please share…Thanks
