Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11

Good afternoon everyone.  I'd like to welcome my dad as the newest follower to our little discussion group.

Gen. 24:52-26:16; Matt. 8:18-34; Ps.10:1-5; Prov. 3:7-8

Psalm: You get the distinction impression that the bottom is going to fall out for this "wicked man." You can see where David sincerely believes these people are so blind to their wrongs. It sometimes looks as though they are prospering in their wickedness, and for a season they are, but in reality their judgement will come in God's time.

Proverbs: Stop wanting to be right all the time. There is a word for that...PRIDE!  For some reason we think we can outsmart God don't we. Come on, be honest.  We find perfectly logical reasons to act the way we want to so we feel better about ourselves. Heck, sometimes we can even find a verse or two we can take out of context to sound really spiritual. Give Him the honor and respect due Him as your Lord and leave your sinful ways completely behind you.

Matt. 8:18-23: Have you fully counted the cost to follow Jesus?  He is asking for everything. What are you willing to give up? It's not always going to be comfortable. You won't always be able to do what you want. Notice Jesus doesn't promise fame or fortune in return for their sacrifice? Just the sacrifice, just what it's going to cost them. We don't follow Christ for the reward, but rather for our own lives.

Matt 8:28-34: This is an amazing story. Jesus comes down the road and two demon possessed men jump out and won't let them pass.  That is until they see Jesus. Then they start backing up a little bit. "Uh...hey Jesus. Listen we don't have a problem here with you."  They immediately resign themselves to the fact that they are going to be cast out of these men. That's cool enough right there. There is no fight in the demon when they see Jesus, they already know it's over.  All they have left to do is negotiate an agreement for their release. Instead of being cast away completely the ask for permission to enter the nearby herd of pigs.  The folks there watching run to town and tell everyone what just happened.  Now look at the reaction in the last verse.  Were they excited Jesus had set these men free? Nope, they begged Him to leave town. Those pigs were someone's way of life.  Their career. He was upsetting their way of life.  How many times do we do the same thing. Jesus comes to do something miraculous in our lives and we ask Him to leave because that might disrupt our lives too much. God open our eyes to what you want to do and help us not to turn you away.

1 comment:

  1. Strong with the force you are... You read my mind and blogged about it...but I wrote a blog about it any way ...you like to hear it... here it go

    God blessed Isaac - can any one say torch passed? Then shortly after he goes to Gerar where he bumps into Abimelech and proceeds to tell the king Rebekah is his sister due to her beauty blah blah blah...same exact song and dance Abraham used not once but Twice!!!! I am sorry I know Abraham is highly thought of and so is Isaac but it bothers me greatly these guys are liars over something that seems trivial in today's society. I am sure in those times if some one wanted your wife bad enough they would kill you and take her. Especially if you’re the king but what keeps coming to my mind is Romans 8:31 If God is for us who can be against us..Looks like Abraham and Isaac could have learned a little something from Paul

    Point of curiosity: What is the deal with time keeping? Gen 6 says (JK translation copyright 2011) People will not live over 120 years. Well Abraham and others did... over the years I've read and or heard explanations which vary from; The years were really months or genetics caused them to live longer since man had not been on the earth long... I know there is not way to know for certain until we can ask him ourselves but I would like to hear others think

    Today’s reading from Matthew, It was great. To add a little to what Ben posted (loved your comments) 8:29 And suddenly they cried out, saying, "What have we to do with you, Jesus, You Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before the time? You have to appreciate the demons position. They instantly recognized who they were dealing with. They were like what have we done to you...we don't have anything to do with you...As to say please leave us alone we have not bothered you. Then the demons say have you come to torment us before time. Before when... before what time...the end of times, the last days. I feel there is another layer here. Then vs. 31 says So the demons begged Him, saying, "If you cast us out, permit us to go away into the heard of swine" What caught my attention was IF...I love the way the demons respected his authority. There was no talking smack...no back talk. It was simply are you going to cast us out or not…. and if so would you allow us to go into the swine. The “IF” says it all …the demons had no choice in the matter. It was all his decision, his will; we all need to realize it is always his will…not ours!!!
    Now after Jesus shows his authority and power, the whole city comes out and they have beef with Jesus. He just did them a favor and they are getting in his grill over some pigs. I understand the pigs were their way of life but this is God after all. I would rather be poor and hungry than live with demons in my community. Were they going to miss the demons? (In town’s people voice) Well, George the demon he wasn't too bad ...only tormented a few souls. I really miss talking to him at the well. That Jesus guy really ruined our community……. I guess casting out Demons is a thankless job!!!!!!!!!
